This seemed good, the graphics were done fairly well, it works pretty well, my only complaint is shift did nothing for me. Dont know if thats just me though.
Good game though 6/10
( Yeah I can be tough, oh well. )
This seemed good, the graphics were done fairly well, it works pretty well, my only complaint is shift did nothing for me. Dont know if thats just me though.
Good game though 6/10
( Yeah I can be tough, oh well. )
Thanks! Hmm.. not sure why shift doesn't work for some people.. Perhaps it has to do with the keyboard since its set to ASCII or whatever numbers to identify the key... might work if you try changing the keybindings in the options menu.
I'd say this was an adequate first attempt at a game. It is very.. ahhh challenging.
Problems I found -
Instructions come up with only about 60 % of them visible, the rest are off the screen.
The edges of the screen seem to not apply, the tank-thing can go INTO the walls, and this is actually neccesairy to hit some of those bugs.
My suggestions:
Make the game a tad bit easier, I failed utterly on the second level, most people would find this game way too difficult to beat.
All in all, a 4/10.
I think it deserves a 4 as well!
Joined on 3/6/08